Wednesday, January 01, 2025


Yoicks, what a day! The last day of 2024 started off calmly enough: I continued cleaning up some things, i.e., sending my darling little grandson an Amazon gift card for his January 7 birthday. No, this isn't the eleven-year old in Tokyo, it's the will-be-forty-three in Jersey. Anyway, after I sent it, for some reason, the screen I always bring up first went away and I couldn't get into this blog at all. 

One of my problems is I don't know all the common terms for Internet things. The screen that changed is not the pretty picture ones, but the one that had the entrance (or something) to my email, bank account, Facebook, and several other sites I use daily. Now I'm finally in Mimi's Musings, but I just don't quite remember how I got in, except it was through my old email, All right, I'll keep working on it.

Again, I took my lunch and my book out to the middle and enjoyed the sunshine and quiet while I ate. Later, Jose came to look at my kitchen sink faucet. I had called the office to say the water was running out very thinly. Jose fixed it quickly--it seems the filter head had gotten somewhat clogged, due to the iron in the water.

I'm proud of myself because I actually took down and put away all the Christmas decorations. I'm ready to move on into the new year--good thing, because I ain't getting a choice!

Looking forward to lunch and shopping with Ellen today. 

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