Wednesday, December 11, 2024


In the morning, I did all kinds of boring, mundane, everyday stuff, such as making a new dentist appointment for January. I then turned to food prep:: scrubbed, cored, and seasoned three big apples and put them in the oven to roast. I remembered I had some dough in the fridge left over from the pie I made for Thanksgiving, so I rolled that out, spread it with the apple sauce Mike had left, and popped it in the oven with the baked apples. They turned out not terrific, but okay.

While they were cooking, I whipped up the rest of the cream I had left over, also from Thanksgiving. Actually, there was two and a half cups, so I whipped to soft peaks, added the appropriate amount of sugar and vanilla, and continued to stiff peaks. I then put it in a container and stowed it in the freeze. Yes, you can freeze whipped cream--I've done it often. 

Called Muckie about 1:00 (4:00 her time) and we had a long, good talk--almost two hours in fact. She said she's thinking about getting an iPad, which I fervently hope she does. I think she'll enjoy it so much; right now, the only Internet source she has is her son's computer and he's very busy, so she doesn't see that much on-line. I asked about the cancer and was glad to hear it seems stable; she'll get another check in January and if continues to be, she won't have to have the next for a year. It's been two years since she's was diagnosed.

About 1:30, I walked to the post office to send off my ex-daughter-in-law's mail--wow, what a mob, even though it was Tuesday. Presumably, everybody was sending off Christmas presents. Also got stamps and I hope this year to actually get my cards out early. Stopped at CVS after, but decided to wait to examine the SCAN OTC info.

I didn't go home then, but had lunch in the middle first.  It was very quiet and pleasantly warm and sunny. A woman I've met before came up to say hello and we started talking. Her name is Rosario, she looks about sixty, and she's trying to perfect her English. I would never have commented, but she asked and I told her it isn't bad at all--she just could work a bit on pronunciation. She has lived in the complex for twenty years--almost as long as Suzanne has--and I was interested to learn she's originally not from Mexico, but from Peru. I gave her my card and hope to see her again. 


Note to self: Subscribed to Microsoft Backup; $1.99 + tax per month on debit card. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...