Monday, December 02, 2024


Followed the usual Sunday routine before breakfast. Suzanne left an acorn squash at my door with a note: "Happy Thanksgiving"--I guess  she didn't use it on Thursday. I texted her back my thanks and had it with dinner. 

Julie picked me up at 1:00 and off we went to Thousand Oaks. It took about a half-hour, although it's in Ventura County. I was intrigued by one of her neighbor's front area--love the vine arrangement: 

T.O. is a wealthy area and Sandy's house is large, nicely laid out, and obviously worth a bundle. I'm sorry I didn't take more pictures, but here's part of her living room:
Julie and I were introduced all around to both Hondurans and Americans, then sat on the lovely and spacious back porch area. Two of her house guests are from Honduras and they made wonderful tacos--your choice of beef, fish, or chicken, plus a number of tasty sides. Wine and beer were offered, also, along with fresh fruit for dessert.   

At the gathering was Sandy's son, David (Schultz), who has some kind of law suit going against a golf conglomeration. I found what he told me very interesting, but am not too clear on the details--will look him up.

After everyone has eaten and talked, Sandy took us into her converted (three-car) garage and we saw a video of some of her activities in Honduras. We socialized a bit more after, then said goodbye about 4:00. I'll be sending her a check or something to support her work

On the way home, Julie reminded me about the BCNN Christmas party on Wednesday--of course, I also have the Soaring Spirits Christmas gathering this evening. How the hell did it get to be that time of year already? The Fourth of July was last week!

Ellen called after dinner and we had a goog talk. She used the turkey bones to make soup and, now that she's retired and has mor time. She's coming over tomorrow to take me to YouBreakIfix, the computer place so the rest of my data can be transferred to the new laptop.* We discussed Greg's birthday, which is Sunday (yes, Pearl Harbor day) and tentatively decided to take him out for lunch or dinner. On Sunday, I'm  also am acting as greeter at the Dudley House Boutique, yet another addition to my schedule, but hey, who wants to sit around? 

 * That means that there may be no Mimi's Musings for several days after tomorrow's entry, I understand the transfer will take several days. I'll try to use my phone for short entries, but not sure if I can.  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...