Sunday, December 29, 2024


Got a funny video from my high school chum, Jeanne Painter. I called her and we had a nice chat. Her paramour, John, is now 95 and they live together, as they have for decades. He seems to be slowing down a bit, although he said he wanted to go to a New Years Eve party where they live--wants to wear his tuxedo. Here they are at some affair recently:

Jeanne will be 89 in May.

Since we didn't have T.O.P.S. this week, I weighed myself at home yesterday and the not-too-bad result was 128.6, a gain of .08. That's okay, though, as I'm sure I'll be whittling down when festivities are over. 

Walked to Wal-Mart about 10:00 to look for an apple slicer (or "wedger," as it's fancily called by some) and found one, plus a few other items. Bused home and had a big salad lunch, then spent some time tidying up the bedroom. 

Thrilled by my acquisition (the apple device), I used it on four apples and these are the biggest I've ever seen--almost the size of grapefruit--which I then put in the slow cooker with some quartered tangerines and some cinnamon. A few hours later, I had a nice applesauce, some of which I'll freeze for later.

Got some interesting news from Singapore: son Mike Messaged me to say that my great-nephew, Cameron, 20, is going to be an exchange student in Singapore and he's actually going to live in the same building Mike does.  Cameron is the son of my nephew, Jim, the son of my late brother, Frank (HSHS '52). Jim is "physician lead" (whatever that means), at three hospitals in San Jose.; he's a OB/GYN doc and actually delivered Cameron. That is, he was there in the birth room and the attending allowed him to actually receive the baby as he emerged. 

Went out to get the mail and ran into neighbor Lorraine and chatted a bit. I had promised I'd make her a lemon meringue pie, but with company coming and so on, I'm kind of sorry I did. Oh, well, I'll have her over one of these days and serve it for dessert. 

More family news: I keep urging my granddaughter, Vivian, to buckle down and get serious about her studies now that she's in her senior year. However, she just seems to want to laze around. Here are her latest grades at U. of Hawaii:                                                                                                                                             

Am I proud? You'd better believe it! And what's more, she's a kind, good person, and has a real sense of humor. That last seems to me as important as her intelligence.  


Anonymous said...

What an academic load…those are tough courses. The first one I nearly failed and she got an A+ …. outstanding. /pmr

Anonymous said...

Rosemary, I think ‘paramour’ is demeaning if they live together. Rich and I were POSSLQs for 9 years before Holy Matrimony. Years ago Charles Osgood wrote the poem…."there is nothing I wouldn’t do if you will be my posslq". I think it came about when the census bureau needed a way to classify folks living together …not married. Hence a POSSLQ …Persons of Opposite Sex Sharing Living Quarters. I think this is better, don’t you? HSHS ‘57

Mimi said...

I'm familiar with possslq and other terms. I meant "paramour" in a joking sense, the way I refer to how Mike and Paula were living in sin before they married. I'll tell Jeanne of your comment and I think she'll get a kick out of it!


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...