Tuesday, December 17, 2024


Did this and that after breakfast then packed lunch and walked to Telephone Road to take the 11 bus to Petit Avenue. Dropped off my donations at GoodWill, then stopped into Grocery Outlet. They had some nice apples and other produce, but they were just too heavy, so I'll go back another time.

Walked the half mile to Diane's park, finding her there already--she's always early--and we settled in for one of our talk sessions, along with our IPA and chardonnay libations. We talked over our usual hundred topics and, happily, the weather stayed warm and mostly sunny. Said goodbye about 2:00 and bused home. I stopped at the library on my way down Hill Street and picked up a bio of Joe DiMaggio for $2,50 (they sell books, too) I'm still in the middle of The Tragedy of Science, A Great Flash of Light, and The Most Bizarre True Crime Stories, so what's my problem with buying yet another book? Just can't help myself, I'm afraid.  

Called Lily, the social worker at Victorian Care Center, and left a message asking if Jim was still there or was placement found. Haven't heard back from her yet. 

Notes: Damn, people keep sending me money.                                                                                            1.) I just got a check from 'GROUPER" for twenty bucks. A week or so ago, they sent me fifty. I honestly don't know why, but it seems to have something to do with me being active; guess I signed up for something and I'll have to look them up.                                                                                             2.) BMO Bank just sent me a check for $55.93. At one point, they said I owed them money. This has something to do with the fact that they used to be Bank of The West and were absorbed or something. I don't understand it, but I told them to close my account and they sent two notices that they'd done so.      3.) Citi still owns me $174 and change; I told them to send me a check.

Lunch at Danny's with Noreen today.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...