Sunday, December 22, 2024


In the morning, I finished up packing--it's amazing how much I have to take for one overnight stay--and the Access Van picked me up at 10:30. Got to El's twenty or so later and was greeted by these beautiful birthday roses: 

And El's Christmas-decorated living house  looked lovely:
We settled in to talk and laugh after I opened my presents, including some wonderful portraits of the Japanese contingent. I wish I could post them here, but am not permitted. El then made lunch--turkey sandwiches along with a side of roasted Brussel sprouts and beer for me, iced tea for her, and it was yummy. After that, the Tokyo Trio Zoomed us and we proceeded to talk and catch up for an hour and a half. The younger member of that family is so good-looking--a combination of the best of the ethnicity of Japan, Ireland, and Germany, with a little French thrown in. He's also full of fun and personality and, for our family, remarkably tall at eleven years old.   

Interestingly, it seems that all four of my children have banded together to persuade me to get a cane. We spent a fair amount of time with them advising the move ("it will enhance your independence!") and I protesting, but I agreed to consider a collapsing one so I can conceal it in my cart. Will make that one of my New Year's resolution.

Anyway, it was great fun, although Mike was working and wasn't with us (on Christmas, it'll be all four  of them). He Messaged/Facetimed us later and we had interaction with him. He won't have the girls on Christmas, but will later and he and V. and V. will travel to Japan for a visit. 

After, Greg came over and we went to Sea Fresh for dinner. It was good to be with him, as ever, and after a good dinner on them (always the tastiest kind 😂), we went back to El's and played cutthroat gin rummy. Greg won, but I'll bet he had some cards up his sleeve 😁. I'm was happy to hear he's join us for Christmas, too. 
Here's El's place at night, but the picture doesn't do it justice:


Today, we go to Santa Barbara to see Betty. Carolyn will meet us there and we'll lunch together. Anyway, it was a good day and, although I'm not thrilled to be 88, I know I have it better than a lot of other aging people. (See, I said "aging," not "old," which means--well, not a damn thing, tut it kind of  modifies the statement--NOT!)

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...