Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Tuesday And Happy Hour

Slept late again, to 7:30. After breakfast, I took off through the community (village? RV park? Whatever?) and got to Main Street. Walked to the Desert Thrift Store (the most high-end I've ever seen) and was sorely tempted by a lovely, kind of occasional table. I'd love it for my hallway at home and if I had known it would fit, would have bought it on the spot and asked my hosts to bring it. The problem is, I don't know if it would fit under the long pictures in the hall. Will mull it over.
Went nearby to the 99-Cent store--just like ours in Ventura--and got grapes and cottage cheese. On my way back, I ran into my "land lady," Katie, and her friend, who were coming from a hike. She expressed surprise that I had walked "all the way" to where I did, but good grief, it's no mre than two miles total. What kills me is, she's almost 79 herself and she hikes in the desert!
Had lunch, then called the Airporter Shuttle to be sure I'll get it at LAX. Darn, my plane gets in at 2:37, so I have to wait until the 4:15 shuttle, which means there will probably be big delays on the 101--that time of day on Friday. I must remember to call the Access Van on Friday to pick me up at the Sheraton about 7:00 to get home.
After lunch, I walked to the clubhouse, picked up a book at the library and read it at one of the tables by the pool. After an hour or so, the live band came on and I left. Sat on my patio and continued my book. Katie came out and I invited her to sit for a bit. She did and we had a nice talk.
I went over to T-118 for happy hour and found Gloria and Greg and hosts Carol and Dick, as well as several other couples to whom I had been introduced. It was fun and turned out to be a Mardi Gras celebration with jambalaya, shrimp, rice and beans, and lots of other sides. There was also plenty of booze, including two kinds of punch and various wines. I enjoyed talking with them-- all, by the way, pickle ball players. I left about 6:45, before dessert, and one of my hosts' friends, Pam, insisted on walking me home. She's very nice and I enjoyed talking to her.
Just got up and it's chilly. 45 degrees and looks aas if it won't get over 66, which is unusual for here. That's okay, because I'll be walking to one or both of the shopping centers.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...