Friday, February 21, 2020

Fountain Hills

We took off for Fountain Hills after breakfast, enjoying the wonderful western scenery along the way. It took only about a half-hour and this is an interesting place. It was incorporated just recently as cities go, in 1989 and is named for the 530-foot fountain that "erupts" every hour for fifteen minutes. Everything there--homes, stores, municipal building, landscaping, and all else is new, new, new.  Actually, it's very attractive, but somehow seems sterile and bland. Maybe a community needs to have some less-than-perfect areas, a rickety bridge here, a neglected house there, to seem engaging. Certainly, the lack of diversity--where are all the African Americans?--was striking. 
At the same time, we greatly enjoyed several long walks--around the perfectly laid out and pristine lake and other areas--and the warm, sunny day. As for the fountain, which is touted as "world famous" (yeah? I had never  heard of it), it wasn't that impressive. We had brought lunch and ate it at a picnic table in the fountain park. We then walked the area, noting the abundant statuary, including those of several presidents and a giant turtle:
When we got back, I was dropped off at my place, packed up some clean clothes, and went over to my host/hostess place to take a shower. (The tiny room I have has a private room with toilet and sink, but no shower.) Boy, did that feel good.  I dressed, the lord and lady of the RV came home and we chatted outside with several neighbors before taking off for the German restaurant.
Here, we met friends of the aforementioned.  Gloria and Greg also have a home in New Mexico and that's what lead to the three-month sojourn here. I ordered some kind of sausage meatloaf with grilled onions, red cabbage, and a potato dumpling, along with an excellent Pilsner beer.. Oh, yum, it was so good--how I wish we had an authentic German restaurant in Ventura. 
When we got back, we talked about plans for today and decided on a boat ride around some lake somewhere (I don't care where it is, I'll go anywhere with this couple). That won't be until 2:45 today, so I have time for something else earlier.
Before I went in for the night, the two of us walked the whole perimeter of the community, about a mile and a half. One thing's for sure: I get more walking in when I'm with this gal than I ever do at home. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...