Saturday, February 29, 2020

Travel Day...

...and it was stressful.
I cleared out of my little room and was picked up with all my luggage by 10:00. We chatted and had a bite, then left for the airport at 11;00. Plane took off at 2:07 and  , as usual, it was a horrible ordeal, b  had a very nice seat mate and that help. Got to LAX at 2:40 and had to wait for the shuttle until 4:15 for the shuttle, on my feet the whole time, as there was no place to sit. What with Friday night traffic, we didn't get to the Sheraton until 7:15, where Suzanne picked me up.After unpacking a few things, I jumped in the shower, then watched a Will and Grace episode before falling into bed.
There's much more, but especially about the washer and dryer, bu damnit, I can't get the keyboard to work and it's so hard for me to use the one attached to the laptop, I'm going to stop here.

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...