Monday, February 10, 2020

Steve Y. And Veggies

After breakfast, I took my little cart and walked the back way, over the bridge to the Hill Street Library. Ran into Steve Yue there and we talked for a half hour or so. Steve suggested that he, I, and a mutual friend, Marie M., go to L.A. and he would take us to see the sights. He was born and brought up there and knows all the places. I definitely want to, but have to fit it in after Arizona and before the Tokyo Trio get here in March. Took out a bio of Carrie Fisher and another book (called The Library Book) by Susan Olean, whom Steve knows. He had a picture of her and himself on his phone. Steve designs web sites and I asked him to send me his, which he did. He also sent me a YouTube video of his L.A. "tour."
Walked from there to the store near Wal-Mart where I replenished my supply of fresh veggies. Bought a butternut squash, a bunch of broccoli, a small head of cauliflower, two packages of mushrooms, and a pound or so of grapes. If I hadn't had the cart, I could never had gotten them home, along with two books. It was a breeze, though, and I walked back via Victoria. I was pleased to have gotten that much walking in--about three miles, I think, maybe a bit more.
My brother, Larry, from Florida called after lunch to tell me that brother, Jim's, daughter, Chrissy, and husband, are in Florida, and were coming over for dinner. We discussed their upcoming four years in Bangkok and Larry and some of his enormous family want to go, too, as I do. We'll see when we can work it out.
Betty called and so did Ellen. I told her I'd take the bus to Ojai, walk to her place, and be there about noon. Cut up the cauliflower and put it in the slow cooker with Caesar salad dressing, then left about 3:30 and bused to town. I went to several thrift stores to see if I could find a basket for the "Art Comes Alive" thing. I found two that could be fairly okay, but I hope to get something more rustic, so will look further.
Home, and I finally had a good, substantial dinner: frozen raw shrimp (well, I cooked it, of course), the mushrooms, and the whole head of cauliflower (it was a small one).

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...