Friday, February 28, 2020

Tortilla Flat

It was yet another terrific day. I did a load of wash (well, that wasn't the terrific part), dried and folded, then took off for my hosts' place. We chatted a bit, and after an early lunch, took off for Tortilla Flat. I really hadn't known what this is, so was only mildly interested. But what it is, is--                                                                              ARIZONA.
The real Arizona, that is, the one with soaring red rocks, majestic mountains, deep, deep canyons, and mile after mile of desert. I've always thought of deserts as being white sand stretching to the horizon, with a couple of camels here and there, but here's how Arizona desert looks:
And here's Mike at one of the viewpoints: 
My phone camera doesn't really do justice to it, but I can guarantee it's breath-taking. We also went down to the man-made lake, acting silly as usual:

The one in the bottom picture and I took a good walk to the lake, then up into some of the elevation. Later, we stopped at an overview and I took this:
Too bad the light whited out the stunning background!
We stayed for several hours, visiting the gift shop and getting ice cream cones. I bought a gift for El and for myself.  (WHY this damn machine isn't allowing me to align left, I have no idea, but so be it.
We stopped for made-up dinners (sushi for my hostess and me) and ate it happily back at their place. Then she and I took a walk through the compound, stopping it at several open houses to look, admire, and criticize. She walked me home and I was in for the night. I had told my landlady, Katie, I'd be gone by 10 am, as she has someone else coming in this afternoon. I'll call my hostess and she'll pick me up to go to their place before we have to leave for the airport.  
What a fine, fine time I've had in Arizona!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...