Friday, October 19, 2018

Trip And Toastmasters

Took a short morning walk--maybe a mile--then spent several hours finishing up the pictures to illustrate my Halloween verse.  I used a combination of getting pics off the Internet and my own (truly dismal) art work. Actually, they wouldn't look too bad if I was presenting to a Kindergarten class. In between, I did a load of wash, so now I'm caught up.
Finally got my plane ticket east--happily, non-stop--but it leaves L.A. at 7:15 am, so I'll have to stay over. I don't mind that--in fact, I think it will be fun to stay in a hotel, so will contact Expedia again today. I just have to figure out how to get to L.A., then to the hotel. Possibly, I can take the shuttle from here; if not, I can take the train, but then have to figure how to get from there to the hotel. Maybe I'll call nephew Steve--we'll see. I have somebody looking at an AirBnB for my stay; I hope it pans out.
Had lunch, took a bus to Walmart, then walked to the 99-Cent Store for a few items.  Home, I jumped in the shower and changed to prepare for Toastmasters. John picked me up and we got there a little early That didn't really matter, because, incredibly, besides us, there were only three others there! This is a small group, with maybe fifteen members, but even so, that was unusual.  (And wouldn't you know, the area director, Danielle, was there for her annual visit.) Noreen had refreshments and as ever, she went all out: She brought plates, napkins, glasses and a tablecloth, all with Halloween motifs; a vegetable and dip tray; pumpkin eggnog; apple cider; and two dozen heavily decorated doughnuts. Geez, it would have been over the top for thirty people, let alone seven.  I had the veggies and a small glass of eggnog, sans rum, I'm sorry to say.
My little Halloween illustrated verse went over big. It turned out to be the only talk, as Cherie, who was to do the other one listed, came in to say her bridge had broken, and she couldn't articulate well, then left. John was Toastmaster and showed his usual persona: absolutely convinced that every word out of his mouth was golden and that he was a great speaker and that we were all interested in everything he had to say. Danielle and I participated in Table Topics (she, the owner of a wild west show, I, an applicant for the position of lion tamer), which was fun.
Home about 8:30. 

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