Wednesday, October 10, 2018


Pretty routine day. I cut my morning walk short--maybe a mile--as I was on the laptop longer than usual. Besides, I walked  to the post office after breakfast to mail off some Halloween gifts to my little grandson. Did a load of wash, which all that entails, then actually galvanized myself to clean out several "paper" drawers. My bedside tables, desk, and living room table all have drawers and they all had various things in them I was saving. I threw away lots and that felt good.
After lunch, I went out to take the bus to town and found some pretty autumn leaves in an envelope at my door from Suzanne. She left a note saying she thought I might like them for my decorations. I did and scattered them on the coffee table with the other fall things.
Took the bus to town,, did the library to Promenade to Surfers Point, back to the library thing--about two miles. I read for an hour or so, then took out two books in which I'm interested. When I got home, I rang Suzanne's bell to thank her for the leaves and was amazed that they're not artificial, but actual leaves from an actual tree in the courtyard. We sat and chatted for a bit, then I left and made my dinner of white fish, fresh spinach, sauted mushrooms, and half an acorn squash.

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