Thursday, October 11, 2018

Hair And Happy Hour

Walked the new usual, breakfasted, then caught the bus for Telephone Road and Fantastic Sam's. There were three people ahead of me and only two hairdressers, but I didn't have anything scheduled until Happy Hour at 4:00, so that was okay.
My operator was "Sunshine." Well, obviously, that's a nickname, but it's the only one she uses. She's a chubby 55-year-old who has worked there for 32 years, is a native Californian, has a daughter who's getting her masters at UCLA, a son who's in construction, and she and and her husband have sex six times a week--.
Okay, I made that last part up. Yes, Sunshine is a non-stop talker, but she's pleasant and cheerful and knows her way around a pair of scissors. I had her darken 'way down, almost to the brunette I used to be (but it will lighten, I know) and cut about three inches off.  Looks pretty good and, compared to Mary at Penney's, Sunshine is nicer to be around and--bingo!--the process cost me twenty dollars less than at Penney's.
Home, had lunch, then left for town. Did the library to promenade thing, stopped at the museum to ask about a program they're having on Sunday to which I might go, then walked around the corner to the Blue Agave. I staked out a table on the patio and waited for the other three.  
Diane came in soon after, then Carolyn and Nancy, and we had our weekly good time. Lots of talk and laughs, ranging over a multitude of topics, including our late husbands' burials--or rather, non-burials, as both Nancy's and Carolyn's were cremated and scattered. (Diane was not widowed, but is divorced). We stayed more than an hour, then said goodbye until next week.
I thought I'd go to the library, which is open until 7:00, so walked down Main with Diane. We went past The Grapes and Hops, stopped to ask if they had Happy Hour, they do, and we agreed on the spot to suggest that for next time. 
Diane went across to her place and by that time, it was dusk. Decided not to go to the library, after all, and caught a bus home. I didn't get in until after 7:00, but that was okay.    

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