Thursday, October 25, 2018

Happy Hour and Dudley House

Walked my morning mile, had breakfast, then set off to Jessica Nails for a manicure. Because I knew I wouldn't get my afternoon walk in, I walked there. It's 1.7 miles, which is okay, although probably not as long as my usual.
Stopped in a store for fruit, then hopped the bus back. Showered, washed my hair, and dressed for first, Happy Hour, then the covered dish at Dudley House. I was pleased when Shari called to tell me Bob Dudley will be there.  He's the great-grandson of Frank Dudley, who was Caroline Dudley's brother-in-law and Caroline is the one I impersonate.
Called Access and put in a request to be picked up today for my trip to the doctor at 11:00.  Later, though, Primary Medical called asking me to switch to 9:00, as they had a cancellation. Said okay and changed my arrangements. Told them I'll just take the bus back.
Got to Rumfish a bit early, but Diane, Nancy, and Carolyn came soon after and we had a great time, as always. We decided to skip next Wednesday, as it's Halloween, but I'll see Nance for A Star Is Born tomorrow and Diane on Saturday for breakfast at the museum. We parted about 5:30 and I took the bus to Ashwood Avenue, then walked the rest of the way to Dudley House.
By the time I got there, there were lots of people there already. I chatted with several I know, and sat with Bob Dudley himself.  He has a ranch up in the hills and is a pretty nice guy.  During the very short and casual "business meeting," Shari (chair or prez, not sure which) announced that Bob will soon be ninety years old--wow! She also mentioned my stint at the country fair, plus the fact I had been instrumental in having CC's church group come for a tour. 
Connie K. came and sat next to me. She invited me to join a group having to do with impersonating historic figures, plus gave me a brochure on the origin of Thanksgiving. Both looks like fun and I'm interested.
The program was great fun: Two women dressed in authentic Victorian clothing, did a skit (grande dame and her maid), which entailed showing and describing all the layers of undergarments. 
There were some peanut butter cups left over and I didn't want to take them home. Happily, Diana had brought fresh cut fruit and we exchanged them.  She took me home an by the time we got there, it was 9:30, but it had been a fun day, so I was fun with that.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...