Sunday, December 04, 2016

Fun On A Sunday

What a fun Sunday! I got to Ellen's at 10:00 and shortly after, we left for Ojai. We had an early lunch at the Hip Vegan--yum! Of course, no meat or meat products, such as cheese, eggs, or dairy products are used, but it was very good. I had a "burger" made, I think, with ground cashews and lots of other things, on a vegan roll and with a good salad. El had an avocado wrap and I intend to try that next time. Avocado, tomato and other veggies were wrapped in what I think is called "nori"; it's very thin--in fact, you can see through it. Greg had a "burrito" made with rice, beans, and so on.
The place itself is very basic, almost spartan, with simple wood tables and chairs; one wall consists of a giant blackboard and menu items are written there. I was intrigued to see "Vietnamese coffee" listed and I just had to ask if it was authentic. The young woman server said yes, but then I explained that I had brought coffee back from Vietnam. It was very good, but some of my friends wouldn't drink it after they found out its rich flavor is achieved by feeding the coffee beans to weasels, then harvesting them when they're--uh, ejected in nature's way. The girl laughed at this, but assured me that wasn't the case with the Hip Vegan's coffee.
After that, we drove to a lovely park. Gregg, who recently has had back problems, rested in a pavilion while El and I took a short walk. Later, we stopped at another park to walk and talk, then went to The Rainbow Bridge, a pricey supermarket where I've been before. I'm always bemused by its name, considering that "crossing the rainbow bridge" is a euphemism for death.
We drove back to El's and Greg went out while I sat with iced tea in the patio and watch Ellen plant two new jasmines in her garden. They look nice and I'm toying with the idea of actually planting something in my patio instead of having pots. However, I'm not that enthusiastic about gardening if it takes a lot of work, so may not.
Today, Mike my youngestchild, is fifty years old. It's incredibly hard for me to grasp that.


iloveac said...

I like that Vegan restaurant...the food sound yummy. However, I would not drink the coffee you brought back from Vietnam either....sounds yucky.

Never heard of 'crossing the rainbow bridge'....what's the origin? I like it...sounds peaceful as opposed to 'bought the farm' etc.

I'm with you regarding farming....pots are just as nice.

I like to say Happy Birthday to the mother as well...after all you went thru labor for him to be here.

Mimi said...

Patti, that last was so sweet--thank you!
As for the rainbow bridge, I was mistaken to a certain extent. Here's what I found:

The Rainbow Bridge is the theme of a work of poetic prose written some time between 1980 and 1992, whose original creator is unknown. The theme is of an other-worldly place to which a pet goes upon its death, eventually to be reunited with its owner. It has gained popularity amongst animal lovers who have lost a pet.

Good grief, I'm the last person in the world who could be called an animal lover! However, I still think it's kind of an amusing euphemism (of which I'm a foe) for the demise (a euphemism!) of humans, too.

As for the coffee--most people react as you do, at which I say, "but you do eat flesh, so-o-o," but I'm just joshing you.

iloveac said...

Thanks for the explanation RBM. I think it's good for humans too. Better than 'circling the drain'....said when one is near death....or the old 'bought the farm' when they've died.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...