Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas Day, 2016

It was a great Christmas. Got over to Ellen's a bit after 11:00, to find the other three already there. We talked, laughed, exchanged presents, then had a good lunch of turkey dinner leftovers.
Ellen and Greg went on to his mother's in Santa Barbara, and we went to the waterfront. Lots of people there and lots of walking; went on the sand to see the nativity all made of stones. It's funny that my neighbor, Suzanne, had recommended we see it, but she was sure it was made entirely of sand. Not so; clearly, it was all stone. Anyway, it was nice to see, and so were the palm trees and other vegetation.
We walked to Ventura Pier, the longest one in the area, or California, or the country, or the universe--whatever. Anyway, it had been cloudy, but then cleared up. Mike called while we were trying to park--they're still in Lake Tahoe, but are coming in late tonight; I hope to see them soon.
Shortly after we got back to my place, the Tokyo Trio called, little Mr. K. happily showing off his trains and all kinds of other things, including the blanket his auntie made him. We greatly enjoyed talking to him, then we enjoyed a pork loin dinner with some sides I happened to have on the shelf.
El and I will spend the day together today; we both still have some Christmas shopping to do--ha! We're nothing if not procrastinators.
Anyway, I got some nice things, but I don't even care about "things," just being with my children is all that counts.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...