Sunday, December 18, 2016


Met the gals--Carole, Doris, and Sherry--at the Bonaventure and we were treated(?) to solos by the students of some singing teacher or other. There were six of them and they ranged in age from girls about 12 to two boys about 16 or 17. One of them was not bad, but overall--well, Broadway doesn't await.
Carole presented each of us with a small gift bag, filled with a candy sled--made of two candy canes with wrapped chocolate on top. This would have been fine in itself, but she put in $10 gift cards from See's Candy, too.
Lunch was pretty good and, of course, we had some good talk; didn't leave until after 2:00. I'll see them again, along with Nancy, at Sherry's gathering on Thursday. I bought small tins for each of them and will fill them with cookies from the cookie exchange, which have been in the freezer. I also made up little verses to go with them, each line starting with the letters in their names:

N ever does she quit her knitting,
A nd never is she simply sitting,
N o, she’s paints a lovely scene,
C olors soft and so serene,
Y es, I‘m lucky she’s my pal—
What a friend and what a gal!

And so on for Carole, Doris, and Sherry. I had to fudge a little, such as with the last lines, but I think they'll get a kick out of them. I should probably make up one for Sue, also, although I don't know when I'll see her before Christmas.
Went from the Bonaventure home to change and tidy up the place, then to several stores for various things. Called Carolyn to find out where the party will be, so I can tell my friends. Called Ellen just to say hello and was sorry to hear she has a bad cold.
Betty called; she, Steve, Robyn, and Dexter will be here tomorrow. I'm trying to think of what to give them for lunch. I did just buy salad fixings and I think I'll just cook up some meatballs for meatball sandwiches to go with it.
Darn, I've been having my periodic sleep problems the last few nights. I go to bed, read, fall asleep--then wake about 3:00 am and can't get back. I know it's because I'm stressing about getting Christmas presents bought and sent in time, and I hope to remedy that before too long.

1 comment:

iloveac said...

What a neat idea to add a verse to the cookie tins. I love the one you've done for Nancy. I'd treasure one done for me.....hint, hint. /patti


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...