Friday, December 23, 2016


The rain, that is. It rained and rained hard most of the day. That's so unusual here and oh, yes, I know "we need it," but I still hate it, so shoot me.
My neighbor, Suzanne, stopped in to show me (on her phone) a picture of sand sculpture of the Nativity scene on the beach near the pier. She thought my company might like to see it and I was going to take them down there, but it rained so heavily, we didn't get there. Suzanne sat down for fifteen or so and we had a nice chat.
Luckily, I finished my project by about 2:00. Even more luckily, the Tokyo trio finally Skyped me while I was here and we had a nice visit. Little Mr. K. immediately said, "Merry Cwistmas" to me, and I was able to visit with him and his parents. What a precious little boy!
Went to the Cat's Cradle Thrift Store, the best around, I think. I got a wonderful jade plant (which I'll give Sailboat Sue for Christmas); two bags of potpourri, some nesting boxes (I'll put Betty's birthday gift in the smallest and she'll have to open one after another); a tiny Christmas tree pin; three small decorative boxes, and and a pink straw purse for summer. All together, they came to $9.81. Others bought things, too.
Stopped at Vons on the way home for salads, sides, and cookies, and ate at my place. By this time, it was coming down in sheets and we got pretty wet walking from where we parked in my complex to my apartment. No matter, though, we had a good time. Ellen called; unfortunately, she has a bad cold and cough, but we'll still have a good time together.
Visitors left about 7:00 and I went out to use my remote so they could get out the gate. What a pain to live in a gated community--I'd rather take my chances with the serial killers. This is Christmas Eve and I'd better run over to Vons and get pumpkin, as I promised to make dessert for our turkey dinner tonight. I already have the ingredients for the pie crust, plus rolling pin and pan, so I'm okay there.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...