Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The Day After

We all did our own thing yesterday. In my case, that meant catching up with housework, Christmas shopping, and restocking the larder.
I had very little food in the house, so bought quite a bit at WinCo; in fact, I had to take two trips from the car to the apartment. Also ran the loaded dishwasher, dusted and cleaned a bit, and assembled some of the presents still to give.
Went to Kohl's to exchange some things for others, then to Michael's for decorative items, then to the library, only to find it closed. However, I dropped my two books and CD off in the outdoor receptacle. I'm reading The Rainmaker, an early John Grisham, and am surprised at how much I'm enjoying it. It's about a kid just finishing law school, who gets into all kinds of trouble. If I finish it in time for the party on the 29th, I'll bring it to the birthday party and give it to my nephew, Wes, who's an attorney.
As requested, I went over to El's about 5:00. She has a bad cold and cough, but felt better after sleeping part of the day. We had the last of the leftover turkey dinner, then drove around to look at Christmas lights. She dropped me off about 7:00--fine by me, as I've been rushing through full and active days and have been sleeping like a log.
Mike, Paula, and the girls were to get to Santa Barbara late last night. I hope to hear from them today.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...