Tuesday, May 10, 2016


As Monday usually does, yesterday included a lot of doing chores, running errands, and generally catching up on things I've neglected. Changed the bed, did wash, and went to a new supermarket called "Fresh and Final" or "Quick and Final" or "Final and Final" or whatever the hell it is. Wasn't impressed.
Triple A had sent me a form, asking me to put my mileage on it; I think it could lead to a discount next year or something. I stopped at the office itself and dropped it off. Swung around to CVS for a few things, then went home again.
Spent a few hours moving things here and there to consolidate space. Actually, the apartment is shaping up pretty well, but I have a way to go. I actually hung a picture in the bathroom; must continue to try and place the six thousand others I have.
Waited until the mail came to see if there was anything else for Mike. There wasn't, so I went to the P.O. to send off some business correspondence to him. I'm beginning to wonder if her's in the CIA or maybe a drug-smuggling ring. If so, let's hope he's making plenty. I also sent off an application to work at the voting polls. Sounds interesting.
Went to WinCo for this and that. Later, Betty called and we had a chat. Pulled together some of the stuff I want to take to my appointment this morning with the director of the Ventura Adult and Continuing Education Commission. I'm not quite sure why we're meeting, except she and Suz Montgomery want me to be some kind of advocate. I'll take my Acting for Everyone info, too, and see if I can work that into the conversation. After that, I'm meeting Sailboat Sue for lunch at Brophy Bros.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...