Sunday, May 01, 2016

Cards and K.

Did the usual in the morning, then went out to buy greeting cards. I went to FOUR DIFFERENT STORES trying to get ones for parents-to-be and grandparents-to-be. Finally found an appropriate one (of a very small selection) for the parents, Katherine and Jeremy, but none for my niece and her husband. I finally settled for one that suggests girl baby coming. Also bought Mother's Day cards for my daughters-in-law in Tokyo and Singapore. Must get one for my friend, too. Went to the P.O.--which is open until 3:00 on Saturday, nicely enough (it's only to 1:00 in Jersey)--and sent them off. While I was in there, Manahawkin Dermatology called, via a recording, to say I should make an appointment, as it's been a year since my full-body scan. Obviously, they don't know I'm 3,000 miles away.
Betty also called. I'm concerned that she has to see a cardiologist, as her (bad) cholesterol is high (although, so is the good kind), plus she has a dark mole. She rented her house for July--not sure where she'll live herself then.
Went home and made a huge salad, some of which I had for lunch. I waited in until after 3:00 when my guys in the Orient Skyped.
What a big boy K. is and how lively and talkative! I asked about his school (Montessori and it's a two-hour session once a week) and he showed me the carryall Mommy had made. What a wonderful combination of artist and seamstress she is; She had quilted the bag, which is turquoise and has an applique of a railroad crossing on it--K.'s obsession. Daddy told me there's a gate at the school. Parents are not allowed to enter it, only the children. I was a little worried K. would be apprehensive, as he's been with Mommy or Daddy, or both, virtually all the time since he was born. But Daddy said he marched right in without a backward look. Anyway, I loved seeing him--and his parents, of course.
El called later and we chatted. She had gone to one of her student's First Communions in Santa Paula. I told her about the lamp, which I can't get out of the car, plus the Microsoft thing and she said she could help; we'll get together today.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...