Monday, May 23, 2016

Marge and Margaritas

After my usual Sunday morning rituals, I called Marge at the appointed time of 11:00. I was dismayed when she answered the phone in a slow, barely audible voice. "How are you doing, Margie?" I asked and she replied she wasn't well. She had been taken to the hospital on Saturday, although not admitted, because of pain in her ribs and other places. I'm not sure about the source of the pain and didn't want to ask. She said she's taking Tylenol with codeine, but it wasn't helping. I asked if she felt up to talking for a minute, but she said she was afraid she wasn't able. I ended the call after I told her I'd get back to her in a few days. I e-mailed her son and daughter-in-law to let them know. I'm afraid my friend is closing down her body and her life. So very sorry for that; I just hope she doesn't have to suffer much more.
Doris T. called to suggest that after Carole, she, and I go to Milano's for lunch on Friday, we stop at The Townehouse independent living place. They have music and wine every week, which is free for visitors. I told her I had been there once and would love to go again, so we will.
Aside from Marge's sad situation, it turned out to be a good day. Ellen called and asked if I wanted to go to lunch. Well, sure, I did, and she came over at 11:30. She left hammer and nails, as she'll be hanging my pictures the next time she comes. We went to Santa Cruz Mexican Restaurant and I had a good shrimp salad.
After, we stopped at Bed, Bath, 'n' Bodacious prices, as El wanted to look at something, but didn't buy. We then went to her place and took a lovely walk by the dry riverbed in the glorious sunshine. We went about a mile, all told, which isn't much, but better than my usual nowadays.
When we got back, she made us both yummy Margaritas. We drank out on the patio and I happily sat and watched her pull weeds and water plants. (Well, I offered to help, but maybe a tad half-heartedly.) She took me home a little after 4:00 after a lovely day. In fact, much as I enjoy my new friends here, spending time with Ellen beats any other activity. I feel as if we're not only mother and daughter, but good friends at the same time. I'm so lucky to be here now and to spend time with her.

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