Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Clothes And A Crazy

I was determined to move around more yesterday and I did pretty well, I think. I've been wanting to supplement my ever-so-drab wardrobe, so went to Penney's in the mall and got two very nice tops. One is sleeveless (of course, never, ever would I wear it without something over it) with a collar and is a great magenta color. The other is black, white, and yellow and has a square neckline, which I always think are very becoming; wonder why you don't see more of them. Anyway, it's terrific. Went to another shop and got what used to be called "capris" in a pale green and a pink shirt.
Stopped near Wal-Mart to get gas and saw an obviously mentally ill man yelling at some unseen person. At one point, he took the iron lid off a receptacle. He also pulled off his shirt and whipped it around. He kept stomping his feet up and down and yelling loudly at somebody or something unseen. I was afraid he might hurt himself or someone else, so I called 911. The man answering said they'd send somebody. So sad. I'd say this guy was in his late forties or fifties, with blonde hair, not bad-looking, though unkempt. You wonder if he might have parents, a spouse, or other loved ones. Do they know where he is? Can't he get some kind of help? Thanks to the black-hearted monsters that run this country, so many of the mental institutions have been closed, so now we criminalize people who, like this man, are helpless victims.
Got a few items at the supermarket, then home to shower and get ready for the widder dinner. This is the last time it will be at Yolanda's for months, as they're renovating. I'm such a fraud: I commiserated with the manager and the others in the group, but the fact is, I don't like Mexican food and can't wait to get to Marie Callender's. I realize that's not a high-class joint, either, but it beats Yolanda's for me, for sure.
I was pleased that Sailboat Sue called and asked if we could get together for lunch on Thursday. I had planned to go to Brophy Bros. with the other dinner group that day, but I immediately accepted her invitation and changed my plans. As it turns out, we're going to meet at Malidono's, which is right next to Brophy's on the harbor. Sue is distraught over her husband's condition; he seems to be sinking more and more into dementia and I think she wants to talk about it. She's taking him to the V.A. in Santa Monica tomorrow.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...