Saturday, May 21, 2016


I decided to bite the bullet--or the hypothetical salad--and join T.O.P.S. ("Take Off Pounds Sensibly") at SCAN. Got there at 8:45 and Carol introduced me to some of the other members. (She didn't stay for the meeting, as her son is visiting.) We were weighed--hell, no, I'm not telling, although at least I wasn't back up to my highest weight of 204 pounds--then sat around a table. Eileen was on my left and "Lennie" (given name Eleanor) on my right. There were nine other women there, including Lolly (not to be confused with Dolly who goes to the lectures), the leader. I liked all of them, with the possible exception of Colleen, the weigh mistress or whatever she's called. Reminds me of a bossy and not-too-bright nun. She sat at a small separate table, laboriously totting up the poundage with a pencil and paper.
It was pretty standard: Some hoary homilies and words of encouragement, then Colleen announced the pounds lost and the pounds gained in aggregate. The biggest loser was announced--somebody who lost 2.5 pounds. She got to pick from a box with little odds and ends and trinkets donated by others in the group.
Anyway, I'll go back. It sure beats Weight Watchers, especially as no special diet is dictated and the other members are friendly and welcoming. It's only $32 a year and includes a magazine. Hey, what do I have to lose? (WEIGHT, that's what!)
It was over at 10:00, so I went home and made a large salad with Romaine, tomatoes, olives, beets, and raisins--all the fixings I had at the moment. Had a big bowlful for lunch, adding a hard-boiled egg. Got a call from Nancy, who said she couldn't go to the play on Sunday in Santa Paula after all. Actually, that's fine by me, as I wasn't anxious to go, anyway. She suggested we go elsewhere one day next week and we decided on lunch and a movie on Tuesday.
Called my niece, Carolyn, in Santa Barbara and we had a good chat. Then called brother Larry, in Florida. I was surprised and glad to hear he and Helen will move closer to two of their children. Their younger daughter, Jeanne--the one with all the money, married to Doc Vic--bought a house for them within walking distance of her sisters, Elaine and Nancy. Larry and Helen have lived in their present home for at least fifty years, maybe longer. Even when they moved to Indonesia, they retained it. It's not a bad place, quite large, five bedrooms and four baths, plus pool, of course. However, the neighborhood has "changed," as the saying goes (a euphemism for "a lot of darker-skinned people have moved in") and I was surprised at how low their asking price was. Well, location, location... I was sorry when Larry told me Jack Bihlmier had called to tell him Matt Gallagher has died. I had a major crush on him a hundred years go.
Went back to SCAN for the lecture, this one on palliative care and end of life issues. I was pleased to see Sue had come, although she had to leave early, as Mac needed her at home on the boat. Of course, Doris and Carol were there and since there won't be a lecture next Friday, we three decided to meet for lunch on that day.


iloveac said...

I saw the obit online in the AC press? Are you no longer checking the press? I don't really remember him, but it said he was married to Frances Gormley .... a member of my brother Jim's and your brother Frank's class of HSHS '52. I vaguely recall she died rather young. Did you know the second years with her.
I'm not even going to say congrats for joining TOPS....see, I didn't even mention it....I hate it when people congratulate me on doing what I've chosen to do. You go Girl.

Mimi said...

No, I don't check the press regularly. When we lived in EWing for 41 years, we got the Trenton Times, and I used to look at both, but no longer do. I figure I know enough people in both places who will let me know such news.
Matt, my husband, Pat, and my brother, Larry, went all through school together, from first grade at St. James to HSHS. I do remember Franny Gormley very well--as you said, she was in school with our brothers. Yes, died young, I believe of cancer. I didn't know the second wife who was, I heard, considerably younger than Matt.
As for TOPS--we'll see what happens. (Take note: I'm NOT giving up my beer when I go out to eat--so there!)


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...