Friday, May 03, 2013

No More

Was on the phone for about an hour with mortgage company, Chase, who will give me a lower interest rate.  That was the good part of the day.
Aline and I went first to Produce Junction, where I picked up eight  portulaca and six pretty yellow "broom" flowers to add the the daisies I had planted on the graves on Wednesday.  We then met Betty and Muckie for lunch at Shore Diner and had a convivial meal and chat.  We parted, and A. and I went off to the cemetery.
Approached Pat's grave and was horrified to see the daisies ripped up--all flowers gone and the greens limp.  I thought a careless lawn mower must be responsible.  Went to the office and was told a "board member" had been at the site and complained about so many "flower beds."  Therefore, the flowers on the graves (except for azaleas which, for some reason, are allowed) had all been removed.  After a heated exchange, I left.  Jay's daisy was still there, but will probably be pulled up tomorrow.
Computer slow and keeps sending me weird messages.  Contacted P. and he's helping.  Must Skype him now.
Meeting Marilyn for lunch in Trenton today.


iloveac said...

Sounds like a letter to the Board is in order.

iloveac said...

Sounds like a letter to the Board is in order.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...