Saturday, May 11, 2013

All Day Out

I was out all day.  Left early for Ventnor, so I could stop and say hello to Betty.  Did so and we had a nice visit.  Our director from Hell, Rachel K., called before I left to ask if I would edit an intro* she wrote for Trifles, one of the plays she assigned which we might do in September--or whatever.  I agreed, but she didn't give it to me, which is fine by me.  She also asked me to do publicity for the event, if there will be one.  This I refused--too much trouble.  Rachel is so utterly disorganized and vague, it's hard to know if this "production" will even see the light of day.
All this was for the newly-formed Ad Hoc Players; we met in Ventnor for the first time yesterday.  I was assigned two male roles, the sheriff in Trifles and the prince in The Ugly Duckling.  I dislike both of them, especially the former and I think the plays themselves are poor choices, but the hell with it, I'll go along.
As usual, Rachel talked and talked and meandered on, and sent out all kinds of mixed signals.  She was totally unclear about how much stage direction she wanted Mary Jo to read, so was constantly interrupting and interjecting and slowing down the pace, which was pretty slow to begin with.
However, we got over it.  I left a few minutes early and went directly to my 4:30 Breeze meeting at the clubhouse.  This was productive--we discussed and decided on the next three or four covers--but I didn't get home until almost 6:00.  I hadn't eaten since breakfast, so heated up some chicken legs and thighs I had cooked a few days ago and frozen, and had that.
Drove to Staples in the evening and got mailing tubes for the prints.  Must ask brother Frank for my nephews' addresses.
* In the first few pages, a character reveals finding the body of a man in a remote cabin in Nebraska and it's quickly made clear by indirection that he was done in by his abused wife.  Incredibly, Rachel included in the intro that "there was a dead body and it looks like murder," an absolutely outrageous way to spoil a tightly-written play.  Luckily, we voted and chose the other play to present--if we ever do.

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