Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Lunch With Aline

Enjoyed an early Skype--soon to be Google call, we hope--from the Tokyo Twosome, then walked in the rain with Susan.  Got a call from my buddy, Aline, and we planned our day, to wit: picked her up at noon and we had lunch at Shore Diner. Both had liverwurst and onion on rye--incredibly delicious, but so rich we both took half home.  Went after to Produce Junction, where I hoped to find tomato frames to put around the new hydrangeas, which are drooping with the weight of the blooms.  They didn't have any, but I bought Romaine, tomatoes, and mushrooms.
We stopped at the cemetery, but didn't get out of the car.  I was pleased to see the Gerber daisies are still on Jay's grave.  So much for not letting people put anything but azaleas on.
It was still rainy off and on by the time we got home and A. and I sat in the car talking for a good half hour.  We then parted and went our separate ways (it's impossible--impossible, I tell you!--to fight off these clichés that keep insinuating themselves into one's prose) after a pleasant day.
I have a list of  chores and errands I'm determined to accomplish today, including pulling weeds after the long, soaking rain yesterday.  Hope it holds off today.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...