Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Home again, home again, jiggity-jig.  Had a terrifically fun long weekend that, in a nutshell, went like this:
Friday: Left up north for Wellsboro about 6 pm.  Lots of traffic, dark, and rain.  Got there after 11:00 and checked into the PennWells Hotel,  Radiator for heat, which clanked and banged all night. 
Saturday: While the three real workers were--well, working--replacing the garage doors, painting the foundation, and various and sundry, I took the two little ones to the park with a scooter.  Lots of fun.  Big boys joined us later, and persuaded me to go to "Pop Culture," a kind a toy story nearby.  Did, let them each spend two dollars, and we went home together.  Nice dinner, then "T" and one of the workers walked me back to the hotel early.  They wanted to see my room and T was very impressed.  He told his brothers about it, referring to "Mimi's apartment." 
Sunday: While the others continued the work at the house,* I took the 5- and 6-year old back to the park.  Called their mum to see if I could take them to lunch; told yes.  Two older boys, 10 and 9, with friend, Thomas, biked up, so I took them, too, to the Wellsboro Diner.  Lots of fun, actually.  Later, I took the two younger, with bikes, back again to ride in park.  Little T. can ride so well without training wells.  Their Dad came to pick them up and we had a great dinner of baked chicken, string beans, "fried" (in oven) potatoes, watermelon, and grapes.  Thomas stayed, too, of course, and we had a ball.  Had to say goodbye, though, after an incredible amount of work done. 
Monday: Left early and were at up north home by 1:15; me home less than an hour after that.  Went to Susan's to pick up my mail and papers, unpacked, watered the outside plants, and here I am after great fun with the darling little boys--and the darling big boy, their Dad.
Saw Ellen on Skype last night and had a nice chat.  She has only three more weeks of school--whee!
*Besides installing the garage doors, they patched concrete on the front porch, installed new steps leading out of the sliding glass door, repaired a lawnmower and motorcycle, and, for all I know, did several other things besides.  Whew!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...