Friday, January 25, 2013

Show Biz, Comcast, and Kerry

Rehearsal last night.  Once again, everybody was late except me and once again, somebody failed to show.  So far, we haven't even run through the whole thing; hope it comes together soon.
Desi e-mailed that he's having a preliminary meeting for Hedda Gabler on February 1.  That's LETCO, of course, and isn't scheduled until October.  I'll attend, as I've already been cast in the play.
Aline and I are planning to go to the Beans, Biscotti, and Broadway fund-raiser tonight and tomorrow, to the Players & Playwrights By The Jersey Shore meeting.  Then I have Dine-Around on Sunday, so I hope, hope, hope the snow holds off.
Heard from the library that the book I requested, The Patriarch, a new bio of Joseph P. Kennedy, had come in.  I high-tailed it over there immediately, started it, and find it superb.  The author establishes the area and the era with meticulous care, is scrupulous about avoiding the temptation to editorialize, and presents the reader with a scholarly and thoroughly enjoyable treat. 
Comcast seems to have gotten my phone back in shape. The guy said my calls were being forwarded to this number: (732) 395-7241. What?! He said either somebody had authorized that directly from my phone--impossible--or I had been hit by a hacker. He advised me to change the password on my e-mail account, which I immediately did. Anyway, crisis is over, I'm happy to say.
WIDER:  On the NYTimes video window I just caught a two-second glimpse--or whiff--of John Kerry's odious speech during his confirmation hearing or whatever the hell it was.  He naturally mentioned "all the good we do," then followed that with excusing the slaughter of innocents (my phrase not his) as what "we have had to do since nine-eleven" (emphasis mine).  How in the HELL people watch this without vomiting, I don't know.   How can people actually take this malarkey and all the rest of the political posturing, prominently including the inaugural address, seriously?  Listen intently and nod and shake their heads?  Ponder it with great gravity?  Discuss it as if it actually means something?  Are they insane or just stupid?  Do they go to the movies or watch television?  Do they think the actors are really getting shot or making love?  No? Then why don't they realize this is theatre?

1 comment:

ComcastMelissa said...

I'm sorry for the trouble with your service, Mimi. I'm glad it's been resolved, but I would still like to investigate this with my area contacts. Please email our team at with a copy of this post, your service address, and best contact number. We will see this is addressed by area leadership.

Best of luck with the show!

Kind Regards,
Melissa Mendoza
Digital Media Specialist
National Customer Operations
+Melissa Mendoza


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...