Monday, January 07, 2013

Lunch With Betty

Covered a lot of ground yesterday.  Had a lunch date with sister Betty scheduled for 1:00 at Olive Garden and thought I'd go a bit early to run errands first.  I don't know how I mistook time, but when I got on the parkway, I saw it was only 10 am!  Three hours early is really early, even for me.
However, it worked out okay.  I picked up Chardonnay at Canal's, various veggies at Produce Junction, and a few other things here and there.  Checked Target for a kitchen timer, but they had exactly the same that Wal-Mart did, but for fifty cents more.  I'm sure that kind dings only once and I need a more sustained ring to imitate an old phone for my play(s).  Thought of a bicycle bell and, to my delight, was able to find one that hits the mark--rings the bell--perfectly for my purposes.
I had gotten a nice sweater for Christmas which unfortunately didn't fit, so took it back to Macy's and got a gift card.  After a few more here and theres, met Betty and we had a nice lunch, thanks to the gift card Ellen had given me.  Talked to the very same during our Sunday Skype call and had a good chat.
Lunch with Pat M. today, then I have to make and bake an apple pie.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...