Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Lunch With Pat

Aline called early on and after some discussion, we decided to go to the LETCO membership meeting tonight, with auditions after, at the fishing shanty.  There's no part for either of us in the upcoming The Thirty-Nine Steps, but A. wants to work in a support capacity.  I was frank in saying I really don't want to do that this time, but hey, I could change my mind. 
Checked my ingredients for the apple pie I promised to bring to the RH luncheon and found I had everything but the apples and Crisco.  (I use a combination of shortening and butter for the crust.)  Went to Acme and got them, then assembled everything before I picked up Pat M. at 1:00.  We went to SeaOaks, where we were the only diners--lunchers--and had their usual good ones.
Started the pie as soon as I got home.  It took almost all day, as after the crust part is mixed, it has to rest in the refrig for a time.  Went to the post office to mail off something for Mike, then came back to finish the pie and bake it.  I had to piece some of the crust, but if I say it myself, it looks great.  Hope it tastes the same.
Today's penultimate lunch of my five-day lunch marathon is a RH gathering at Jo G.'s house. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...