Thursday, January 10, 2013

Lunch With Aline

Oh, joy!  Checked the Our Gang Players Facebook page and found I've been cast as Martha Brewster in Arsenic And Old Lace!  What a thrill, especially as I've never performed with OGP before.  Rick M. and Neil G. are also in it, pals of mine from LETCO.  We're to pick up our scripts this evening and we open February 22nd.
Other than that: Gathered up a representative sampling of my Dionne Quintuplet memorabilia and met Joan B., president of the "Silver Liners" (it's no teenager club) at Barnegat Recreation Center.  She's very nice, but there's a snag in plans: She doesn't have a laptop or projector that I can use with my zip drive, so I'll have to ask my son-in-law to convert to a disc, which he kindly offered to do.  I'll meet again with her on the 24th.
I discovered that my floor lamp in the study doesn't work and assume it has finally burned out.  My brother, Frank bought this for Mom, so it has to be fifteen or so years old and I've had it for ten.  Problem is, it's requires a very unusual, oddly-shaped, 300 watt halogen bulb.  I like it a lot because it lights up the whole room and, my eyes being what they are, I love a bright room.
Stopped at The Home Depot, but they didn't have such a bulb.  However, a helpful employee suggested Good Friends Electric on down on Route 72.  The man there wasn't sure if something he has will fit--I'm going to have to take the whole lamp in and the problem is, it's very heavy.  Will think on this.  In the meantime, I put the floor lamp from the guest room in the study, but it's nowhere near as bright, so I want the other back.
Picked Aline up from the Stafford Library and we went to the Olive Garden for lunch.  Had their yummy pasta fung goul (oh, I know that's not the way to spell it) soup and salad, along with a Blue Moon and, as ever, a very enjoyable chat with Aline.  Stopped on the way home at the Octopus Garden to pick up my black scarf, which I had dropped there in December.
Today I have a Breeze meeting at 2:00 and must pick up my Arsenic script in Manahawkin after 5:30.  Can't wait to start rehearsing!   

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...