Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Went to Kohl's and got three adorable little "onesies" for Leslie's new granddaughter, along with a cute talking car for big brother, Nicholas. Added a card and dropped them off to Les; she and Dennis are going up to see new baby today.
Squirted weed killer on the weeds between the spaces in the driveway and actually pulled a few from the front. I'm debating with myself whether to spend some of my tax refund on hiring somebody for this chore.
It's pretty clear Betty and I are losing our minds in tandem. I had told her I'd be down in Margate today for Harry S.'s funeral, as he and his wife, Mary, had visited Pat in the hospital shortly before he died. Betty said she was going to a talk last night at the Jewish Community Center in Margate, as it had something to do with a former neighbor of hers. Because I was going o be in Margate, we planned to meet for lunch. Hmm...for some reason, I checked this blog from two and a half years ago--I discovered that it wasn't the Stechers who had visited Pat, but Bill and Mary Scofield! Called Betty to tell her I wasn't going to the funeral after all and she burst out laughing. Why? Because when I called her, she was on Jerome Avenue, having just discovered there was no such talk at the JCC or at the nearby synagogue, either!
Well, we'll still do lunch.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...