Thursday, April 05, 2012

Most of the day was devoted to this project I'm doing. Geez, it's only about halfway finished. Never again!
Bob S. came after lunch to turn on the outside water. For five or six years now, Bob, who lives several streets over, has been doing this for me and a number of others. Why have him instead of the lawn service? He charges $25 and Meticulous Lawn $65--'nuff said.
Yesterday, Bob ran into some snags, though. I thought he was here a surprisingly long time and went out to see him sitting on the D.'s front apron drinking a bottle of water. Barb was out there with him and we chatted for a bit. It seems two of my sprinkler heads had been seared off, probably by lawn mowers and he had to go buy new to replace. Anyway, he's older than I am (!!), pretty rotund, and was huffing and puffing, so I urged him to call it a day. Said he would and will come back tomorrow.
Called my dear niece, Carolyn, in Santa Barbara, to get phone number of other niece, and we had a long, lovely chat. Called other niece, Maureen, for info for the project. Went to Staples and A.C. Moore late in the afternoon yet more chores regarding the project.
MUST finish the core basics today!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...