Sunday, April 29, 2012

Ventnor And Beyond

Drove to Venntor for the Plays And Playwrights meeting.  I was both pleased and chagrined to be told my play Tootie Looks At Real Estate, was selected for the June 3 presentation.  Why the latter?  Because I had to withdraw it.  Carl's and Dianna's wedding is that day and I have two family members participating as best man and ring bearer, so don't want to miss it.  It was an enjoyable session, though.  I was asked to read the part of "Melissa" in a short play by John P. and that was fun. 
Meeting lasted until after 4:00, then I drove downbeach to Betty's.  Noticed there was mail in her mailbox, which a friend had said she'd pick it up.  Called Betty and she asked me to take it; I'll let her know what it is and then send her what she wants.
Next, I went to the cemetery.  Darn--the azaleas, which were thriving yesterday, are starting to look a little peaked and so are the daisies.  Same with the gloxina at Jay's grave.  I gave them all a shot of Miraclegro and took a picture.  Hope they perk up.
I had brought with me a salad and a bunch of grapes I meant to eat there, but took them home instead and had them for dinner.  Skyped Ellen and we had a good chat--she had her hair cut and it looks great--then got ready for the evening event.  Picked Aline B. up and went to the Sweetwater Casino (not a gambling casino, but a bar and restaurant).  We were joined by Ellen V., Jeanne S.,  Lucille P., Julie S., and Tonya N.; for a short time, Tonya's husband, Bob, stopped in.  I grilled him about the Night Must Fall recording he had done and he told me a long story about how he had used daughter Emma's camera, a Sony, and Sony won't allow it to be transferred except on its own equipment or something.  I offered to have my son or son-in-law find out if one of them can do it.  We'll see.
Greatly enjoyed being with my theatre chums and hope we do it again.  We left about 9:30 after great talk and good laughs.
Slept late and didn't walk.  Have Dine-Around tonight.  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...