Friday, April 06, 2012

ALL DAY! Yes, all day I slaved over The Project, from right after breakfast to EIGHT O'CLOCK AT NIGHT! I stopped only long enough to go to A.C. Moore and get more necessities for The Project (It looms so large and is such a pain in the ass, I think of it in capital letters.) Anyway, it's finished, thank Zeus. That is, my part is finished; I have to take it back to A.C. Moore to have it assembled.
In the meantime, Bob S. came back and finished the sprinkler stuff. He charged me considerably more than he has other years, as he had to replace two sprinkler heads. They were surely run over by the lawn services' lawn mower, so I'm going to call them to see if they're reimburse (fat chance, I'm afraid).
Opened the mail to find a "Report of Your Visit" sheet. Very convenient, except that it said I had been referred to rehab 3 x per week. What? Went over there and of course, it was a mistake. I don't know how that could have ended up on my report, but it's been expunged. No real harm done, except it was a hassle and took another half hour out of my day.
Also in the mail: a mortgage statement that confirms my mortgage is going down by $126 a month. Oh, this is so nice of Chase--what great guys and gals!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...