Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Met Betty for lunch at The Olive Garden and we had a pleasant meal and talk. We both had a few bucks left on the gift cards brother Larry had given us for our milestone birthday in December and now they're finished up.
Stopped at the cemetery on the way home to water the mums at both graves. I should have gone to Santori's for fresh feta, but didn't. Was asked to bring salad for the northern couple's Easter dinner, but maybe I'll think of a different one rather than the same old green I usually do.
Betty W. came to the door and dropped off an invite to the monthly Dine Around at the end of the month. She and her husband are providing champagne and when I called to respond, Betty told me we'd toast his ninetieth birthday. Ninety! Makes me feel downright virginal.
Got a call from Jeanne P. from Florida and we had a nice chat. Jeanne is a fellow survivor from HSHS and it's always good to hear from her. Her grandson is graduating from Rider and she wondered if I know any good places to stay around Lawrenceville. Unfortunately, I've been gone for ten years now (yoicks!) and don't have much current info. Advised her to go on Rider's web site or call; they should be able to provide suggestions.
Got a message back from Donna T., who asked me to make a few small changes to the "Blowin'..." piece I'm doing on her for The Breeze. No prob.
MUST spent the day--and several subsequent days--on my project.
Fear not, gentle reader: Said project will be revealed when I get home from Baltimore next week. I'm sure all six hundred--uh,six dozen--um, six....
Well, if ANYBODY's reading this, you'll find out later.
WIDER: It's been a while since I've added serious stuff to his blog, but hey, this is serious:
"Evidently, it’s our fate — increasing numbers of us anyway — to be transformed into intelligence data (just as we are being eternally transformed into commercial data), our identities sliced, diced, and passed around the labyrinth, our bytes stored up to be “mined” at their convenience."
That's from Tom Engelhardt and the rest needs to be read, too.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...