Thursday, March 08, 2012

(The picture in the post below is of l. to r., Jeff, me, Kevin, and Emma in our respective roles inNight. Boy, I miss those guys.)
Got a unexpected, but welcome call, from Dr. K., who's the treasurer of Plays and Playwrights, and was responding to my e-mail questioning the appeal for members to send in $25 to $50 to keep the group going. He explained the (very informal) funding and it made sense to me. This seems to illustrate how a reasonable answer to a reasonable question serves better than a haughty response contained in the return e-mail I got from a Linda S.
I had signed up for the "Land of the Leprechaun" program and impulsively asked Leslie if she'd like to accompany. Was pleased when she accepted and I picked her up. It was fun--a combination of Irish songs and stories by a Mary Knysh--and I saw Kathy M. and her husband. As we were talking, it occurred to me they'd make good "Blowin' In The Wind" subjects; I asked if they'd allow me to interview me, they agreed, and I'll see them this afternoon. Also saw Aline B. there.
Got a call from Pat L. in the evening and we had a nice chat. Hadn't seen her for some time and it was good to catch up.

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