Monday, March 19, 2012

After our walk, I took an early breakfast, then took the mums to the cemetery. Planted two at Pat's grave, but must go back to Jay's as I couldn't get the remains of the Mexican heather out. It's an annual I put in last year and it's right in front. Will go back today or tomorrow. Must also plant the pansies out front here.
Jumped in the shower when I go home, then went to "Sunday At The Opera" at 1:00. I was pleased to see Renee back, along with a friend from Mystic Shores, as well as Barb H., who doesn't usually come.
Mary Ann ran Andre Previn's A Streetcar Named Desire again, which I enjoyed again. Didn't get out until 4:30, then drove to Manahawkin to look for a small clock. Didn't find what I want yet at Kohl's, Target, Bed 'N' Bath, K-Mart, or Wal-mart--maybe because I'm not sure what I want.
Got a call from Fred B. and told him I'm going to the Covered Dish at the clubhouse instead of Dine Around. Why it's on the same night is beyond me. Now I have to find out what I can make and make it.
I'm deep into Jane Austen's Emma and at the same time, am listening (in the car) to Roger Eber's new autobiography, Life Itself. Both are just enthralling, although very different, of course. It goes to show how wonderfully versatile literature is--more so than the other arts, it seems to me.
Talked to Betty to tell her Donna had conveyed her sister-in-law's great appreciation for Betty's hospice care for her mother.
Had my cherished weekly Skype visit with Ellen, ranging over a variety of topics. I miss her so much, but acually seeing her, as well as talking to her, is a great help.
Dinner with Leslie tonight.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...