Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Arrived at Atlantic Imaging a little early, they took me early, and I was outta there at 7:45. After breakfast, I went over my Tootie play, which I'll submit to see if Plays and Playwrights will include it the June 3 performance. Renamed it Tootie Looks At Real Estate. (I think The Return Of Tootie suggests it's a sequel, which it is, but I can't find the first Tootie.) It took most of the morning to reformat it in the approved arrangement (character names in the middle, etc.).
Had a long list of errands to run and, remarkably, completed every one of them. These included buying a small battery clock, face scrub, cottage cheese, dryer balls, and gas, as well as going to the Barnegat Library to see if they want me to do my Quints program there. The manager--another young person who had never heard of the Dionne Quintuplets--was very nice and asked me to send her a description. Will do, and I have to send to the Stafford Library, too.
I was sorry to have finished both Emma and Life Itself* (CD). Took them back and got out Harold, an autobiography by Hal Holbrook. So far, it's pretty good.
Didn't get home until almost 4:00 and, because I had had only a small salad for lunch, was ravenous. Cut up Brussels sprouts, nuked and ate 'em, then did the same to a cauliflower and ate half. Made stir fry for dinner.
Getting the income taxes done today.
* I want to get the print version of Life and copy some passages in the last chapter. Roger Ebert's beliefs about religion and attitudes about death and an afterlife resonate strongly with me. He was raised Catholic--in fact, his mother had her heart set on him being a priest--but is no longer a believer in the supernatural. He objects, though, to being categorized as atheist or agnostic, not because he has some lingering belief, but because, among other reasons, he's "more interested in the questions than the answers."

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Weight: home down a pound to 124.4; T.O.P.S., down .03 to 125.2, so okay. The meeting was the usual: therapy session and general chat for mo...