Friday, March 09, 2012

Don't even remember much of what I did yesterday morning--just chores and errands, as ever. Interviewed Mike and Kathy M. in the afternoon. One of the very interesting things about Mike is that he didn't know his last name until he joined the Navy at 17. It's a long Polish name and he was enrolled in school and so on as "Michael Michaels." In the days before computers and, for that matter, the compulsive recording and tracking we now take for granted, that was probably not too unusual.
After the interview, I called Marge to ask if I could drop in. She said of course and I did. I've been in a bit of a blue funk lately, and it always helps to confide in her. Felt better after and went home to take a short nap.
Susan has an early doctor's appointment, so won't walk, but I'm determined not to excuse myself--and will attend exercise, also.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...