Sunday, March 18, 2012

A wonderfully fun day! Early on, had Skype calls from my two sons. I had sent the little girls "tattoos" (washable transfers) for St. Patrick's Day, and both had green shamrocks on their cheeks--so cute. Mike was able to hook up a "three way," so London, Little Egg, and Tokyo could all share the screen.
Donna got here a bit early so we had time to chat before leaving for the GREAT RACE!!! (Okay, the first annual 5K Leprechaun Run/Walk.) The northern dweller was one of the key organizers, so I was glad there was a nice crowd. We learned later they were hoping for 200 participants and got 27 over, so that was good. Signed in, and because I had registered beforehand on-line, got a tee-shirt so big I'll be able to wear it as a dress, but no matter.
Everybody got arm or wrist bands with clips that keep track of you and off we went. Donna and I were walking, not running, of course, and we had a fine time. Three miles plus a bit is a good walk on a nice day.
There was some unfortunate snafu with the finishing times, so we had to wait a bit, but the results were: some guy won the bike for finishing first overall (in the race, of course), the northern dwellers each got first place medals for their age categories...
...AND I WON A MEDAL! I'm still puzzled as to why exactly, but this was in the 60-and-over category and I was probably only one of three who entered. Amid great hilarity, the northern couple and I had our pictures taken; Donna was so funny in bemoaning the fact that she was "the only family member not to win a medal."
It was only a bit after noon, so we stopped for a time, then left for SeaOaks. Marilyn got there a bit late (she had been there before, but missed the turn into the Legacy Restaurant. I introduced my two--what I call "younger friends"--and they hit it off right away. We all had SeaOaks' incomparable Cobb salad and good, convivial talk.
Parted after a leisurely lunch and I got home to hear a message from Leslie. Dennis will be away overnight and would I be able to have dinner on Monday? Yes, indeedy; I called her back and we'll go to Dynasty tomorrow.
I thought I'd get back to the cemetery today to put in the little mums, but I'll go to opera at 1:00. Maybe I'll drive and go directly from there.


Jim Wetzel said...

Congratulations! That medal could not possibly have gone to a more deserving person!

Mimi said...

But, Jim, what did I win it for? Probably for being still above ground in my decrepitude..

Jim Wetzel said...

I'm guessing you weren't listening when they announced it as the First Annual Award for Conspicuous Awesomeness. Donna might have been talking at the time, hence distracting you.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...