Friday, February 10, 2012

Yesterday was all play, play, play--the play I'm in, that is. Rehearsed and rehearsed scene four, which is most difficult by far. Kevin--my pet, my baby face, my Danny*--called and asked if we could get together to rehearse on Saturday. However, that's Pat's birthday and I'm going north and to spend the day up there, so we settled on today. He'll be over at 10:00 and it'll be just the two of us.
Rehearsal last night was a mixed bag. Desi have called it for an hour early, six o'clock and in my usual always-early mode, I got there about 5:30. Ellen took head shots for the program--mine are abysmal, but I'm used to that--and we did scenes 3 and 4. They went fairly well and Desi's satisfied we're on track.
Two weeks to go!
* A quote from the play, of course.
NOTE: In his blog, "A Tiny Revolution," Jonathan Schwartz calls death "the giant mouth that eats everything." I'm entranced by that.


cemmcs said...

Jon Schwarz referred to "the giant mouth that eats everything." I hope all is well with you, Mimi.

Mimi said...

Thanks, cemmcs, I got them confused. Hope you and yours are well, too.

Mimi said...

Have corrected the mistake.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...