Sunday, February 05, 2012

Tonya picked me up at 12:30 and we met Ellen at the Surflight costume place on Long Beach Island. Whew, what a place! Surflight has the whole block, including the theatre, plus this large building, which houses a restaurant (closed for the season) and the very large costume room. It's crammed from floor to ceiling with clothes of every description.
Only a few members of that troupe have a key and Tonya had arranged for us to meet a nice young woman named Jessica to let us in. We then spent almost three hours trying to pick out appropriate ones for Night.
I was taken aback to hear Tonya remark on how much neater and better-arranged the place was from the last time she was here. Good grief, you could barely make your way through the aisles over hangers, boxes, and stray pieces of clothing on the floor. The skirts were on racks literally at the ceiling and there were movable metal stairs, the kind you see in Home Depot, to get to them. Dresses were under them and blouses in another area, all jammed in so tight we had to use both hands to get them out.
I picked out some possibles--I have either two or three changes, can't remember which off-hand--and tried some of it on. Got two blouses, a skirt, and two dresses and will assemble them with accessories to see if they're okay. I may have to buy something else at the thrift store.
Got home about 4:00 to hear a message from Betty asking me how to cook turnips and talked to her later. She's gong to a Super Bowl party, as am I. I'm looking forward to the socializing, but not the game. I know it will celebrate militarism, consumerism, and anti-intellectualism.
Okay, call me pompous elitist for that last, but I believe we're sliding faster and faster into the worship of money, violence (look around the world), and a boorish disdain for the life of the mind. Seems to me that little illustrates this more clearly than The Big Game. Always reminds me of Orwell's:
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever."
I'll just try to ignore the game itself.

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