Friday, February 24, 2012

A helluva day. I'd been having a problem with my messages not being picked up and went out and bought a new phone (Panasonic) to the tone of a hundred bucks. It has four handsets, though. Asked the north Jerseyan to attach it, which she did, but it took a while. (Of course, you can no longer simply plug anything in, let alone call "the phone company" to do it for you). To our horror, the exact same thing happened with the new phone: it didn't record messages. My helper had to go back to work and I asked Joe M. next door is he could suggest anything. He came over and after this and that too boring to relate, we discovered Comcast was picking up my calls. I certainly never asked them to do so, but called them and the whole thing was straightened out. Northern person came back after work and took out the new phones and reattached the old, which now works fine. I'll take back the Panasonic and get my hundred bucks back.
Dress rehearsal last night wasn't up to our usual academy-award-level standard (ha!). For my part, there were two serious snafus: one, it took much too long to change into my costume for scene two and second, more serious, I got a cut on my hand from the damn "bead"* curtain covering what's supposed to be the entrance to the kitchen. I had to play my big final scene pressing bloody tissues to my hand. I think the costume change thing has been solved, as I'll change in the wings, instead of the short hall we laughingly call our dressing room.
Tonight's the night!
*This isn't really a bead curtain, but consists of something like bamboo pieces strung vertically. Sound pretty stupid? It is.

1 comment:

iloveac said...

Stay as calm as you can...ha, ha and have a great show and more than that ....a great time.


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...