Monday, February 06, 2012

A topsy-turvy day! My mouse seemed be acting funny, turning off now and then, so I thought I'd change the batteries. Problem was, I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to open the thing. Had to go to Manahawkin for some other errands, so decided to take it to Staples and ask for advice, which I did.
The fellas there were very nice, but the first one was new and couldn't get the cover off, either, so he called for a guy who seemed to be his department manager. Even he had a problem; He took out a screw, but that's wasn't it, then tried to contact the company--says "Gigaware" on the cover--with no luck. He took it in the back and, after a good fifteen minutes overall, finally got it open. We left the little "opening wedge" off until I got home when I changed the batteries. I'm not even sue that was the problem, or even if there was a problem, but it works fine now.
Before I left the store, I noticed they had Kleenex and Charmin' on sale and I picked up one of each, although I think the latter's commercials are odious. Paid in cash, refused a bag, and walked out.
Now when I go to a store where I think I won't use a cart, I always take my wallet out of my pocketbook and just carry that. Got back in the card, checked for my wallet and it wasn't there. Aagh! I have all my credit cards, debit card, driver's license, insurance cards in there. Rushed back in the store, they hadn't seen it, left my name and numbers, ran out on the point of tears, about just to drive home and try to deal with the disaster--and noticed three parking spaces away, a pink rectangle. Couldn't be my wallet, of course, but I went to look and it was. All was intact, but I'll never figure out how it got there. Can only think I must have dropped it, then unknowingly kicked it over there while I was putting the paper products in the passenger side.
Anyway, went to the dollar store to get reading glasses to use on stage, then home to prepare what I brought to the Super Bowl party.
Tried on the clothes I got from Surflight and found that only one skirt is appropriate and fits. Will have to eke out with thrift store stuff.
Party was fun, although I was the only one not rooting loudly for the Giants (or anybody else, for that matter), but so what? I was among friends--albeit all from north Jersey except Susan's husband, Walter, and he's Canadian--and the food was great.
The H.'s always have a good set-up for the evening: All the men sit in the family room with a large T.V. and all the women in the kitchen with another one. The rooms aren't separated by walls, but flow into each other, so you're "together" without being on top of each other. Halftime show with Madonna was bizarre, but I was gratified to see the nod to peace, instead of the militaristic tone of earlier Super Bowls. However, I saw only part of it and for all I know, they had a ritualistic hanging before resuming the game.
Called my darling daughter when I got home about 10:00 for our Sunday night visit and had a nice chat.
Rehearsal tonight and we're supposed to be completely off book--yoicks!

1 comment:

iloveac said...

Losing or thinking you've lost your wallet would be terrifying to anyone.
I've started leaving my bag in the car as you do...easier than lugging it around.
We watched part of the super bowl....not a fan myself, but I actually thought it was a good game. I thought Madonna was a waste of electronics and glitz. Was surprised to see my classmate put on FB "madonna was great"...either I'm out of touch or don't recognize talent (LOL). Different strokes for different folks, right?
So glad you found your wallet and got the mouse squeaking again.
What's the word on Muckie?


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...