Monday, February 13, 2012

Desi had us rehearse the end of scene one last night. We've been concentrating on the later scenes, and boy, we all stumbled over our lines, although the third time was a bit better. Desi is now timing us--or rather, how long a scene takes. Last night was way over what it should have been, by seven or eight minutes. We were at the Community Center and it's always so much more difficult not being on stage, I'm getting nervous, bur hope and expect it will shape up.
I was planning to go to the far north (Pennsy) over nest weekend for the boys' tournament, but have now found it's on Sunday, so I'd miss rehearsal. I'm pretty sure I'd better not, darn it. We'll see.
Desi has called rehearsal for 6:30 tonight and thank heavens, it will be at the school.

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