Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Whew! My company left yesterday afternoon. They fly back to London this morning at 8:00 and stayed overnight near the airport. It was a whirlwind two weeks, full of activity and I was glad to have it, but am now glad to resume my life.
Discussed our birthday/Christmas experiences with twin sister, Betty, hers in Palm Springs, CA just with her family.
Talked to the northern visitor and thanked her. It was such a relief to come home and find that she had dismantled the Christmas tree, stored the ornaments away, taken it to the curb, and leaned it away, and cleaning up after.
Did little yesterday except wash clothes and get some of my house back in order; still have a lot to do. Prepared for rehearsal, which Desi had scheduled for 7:00 last night. However, he called about an hour before to say that, although he thought we had permission to use the school, it was all locked up when he went there. Will meet tonight instead. I still have the borrowed wheelchair in my truck. Somebody will get it out for me, as I have to rehearse in it. That's what I appear in during the play.
Got a Skype call from Ellen, always a welcome event. While we were talking, Ellen V., who plays my housekeeper, called from the school. Unfortunately, Desi hadn't gotten to her in time, as she lives all the way in Forked River. She said he doesn't have her cell number and she doesn't keep it on anyway.
I have a bunch of unopened Christmas cards to look at, plus must replenish detergent and so on. Also must organize my bank accounts and continue get my house back in shape.
I hadn't had a cold for years, but contracted little Violet's, as we all seemed to, and now have a deep cough. Should be gone soon, I hope.
A bit later: Was just interrupted by a welcome Skype call from P. and N., then went for our walk with Susan. Have a lot of chores to do and errands to run today. Haven't even opened my mail that Barbara next door collected while I was gone. Must turn my attention to that, too.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...