Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Back in the groove, I went to exercise yesterday. Did some computer stuff, then drove over to the cemetery. I didn't need any veggies, so just stopped at Canal's for some cheap wine. On the way home on the Parkway, I sat in my car--along with several hundred others, as far as the eye could see--for what seemed like hours to get through the single lane at New Gretna. No matter, though, as I had taken my tape recorder with me and rehearsed some lines.
All actors seem to devise their own methods for memorizing lines. Mine works well for me: I record not my own, but cue lines, then leave a "blank space" and as I play back, say mine into it. Did this with Steel Magnolias and Our Town and am doing same with Night.
Was informed by editor Virginia that she couldn't open or forward my pics for The Breeze. Worked on it and I think it's okay now--have to download and so on.
We met at Kevin's in Harbour Bay Estates for rehearsal, the school being closed for MLK Day. He took us over to the clubhouse--surely three times as large as ours, and with an indoor pool--and we rehearsed scene three there. Went well, but we're anxious to get back on the actual stage.
Betty is coming over today and we're going to dinner, then she'll stay over at my place.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...